Announcing the Colt Academy
Thu, 26 June, 2014 at 4:00 pm
A new program is being piloted this summer. The Community of Leadership and Transfer Success (COLTS) Academy is a 4-day student support program that begins on Monday, July 28 and ends on Thursday, July 31st. This summer program was created through a collaborative effort across many departments and student support programs. The steering committee consists of representatives from Counseling, ASCC, A2B, BTO, TRIO, STEM, Transfer Center, Career Center, EOPS/CalWORKS, Learning Center, and Outreach. We hope to also include faculty, the financial aid office, and the Welcome Center.
The purpose of the Academy is for students to:
1. Connect – meet fellow Cañada students, faculty, and
2. Lead – learn their leadership style and how and when to apply it.
3. Succeed – walk away with a Transfer Success Portfolio equipped with tools and resources for college success.
Posted in: Featured, COLTS, News
2. Lead – learn their leadership style and how and when to apply it.
3. Succeed – walk away with a Transfer Success Portfolio equipped with tools and resources for college success.
Some of the activities will include:
- Exploring learning styles
- The Growth Mindset (developing your brain like a muscle)
- First-year survival (tips and tools on how to be academically prepared)
- Transfer 101 (the fundamentals of understanding transfer)
- Financial aid and budgeting
- “Who you are matters” (exploring the student experience)
- Career Exploration
- How to get involved (with ASCC!)
- And so much more!