Senate Funding Opportunities

Supplemental Travel Award

To assist faculty in pursuing their professional development goals, the AS offers supplemental funds for faculty who wish to attend a conference in their discipline. These supplemental funds would be used only if the faculty member needs more than the travel funds allocated from professional development. To apply for these funds, Check the appropriate box on the Professional Development Application form if you wish your application to be forwarded to the Academic Senate for consideration in awarding supplemental travel funds.  Visit the Professional Development website to learn more > 

Application guidelines, deadlines, forms, and procedures are the same as for Long Term Professional Development projects. Most years, the supplemental travel award is not to exceed $2000. 

For information about the current supplemental travel award, contact Cañada Academic Senate ([email protected]). 

Speaker Honorarium Fund

To provide students with up-to-date information and different perspectives in classroom lectures, the AS offers funds for honoraria granted to guest lecturers in regularly scheduled classes. Most academic years, the honorarium is $100 but can be up to $200 for special circumstances (e.g. out-of-state travel expenses).

For information about the current Speaker honorarium award, contact Cañada Academic Senate ([email protected]). 

The application will include the following information:   

  • Explain the value of the guest lecture to the students, and what specific experience or specialized skills the guest lecturer will bring to campus
  • Is the lecture for registered students only, or will it be open to the public?  If open, will it be publicized?
  • Will it benefit multiple sections of a class or multiple classes?
  • Identify the requested amount (up to $100)
  • Please note that the selection of guest speakers must comply with Board Policy 6.38 Criteria for Selection of Guest Speakers

Application Process:

The instructor of record will email the application to Cañada Academic Senate ([email protected]). The details will be agendized at a regular Academic Senate meeting where Academic Senate will vote on whether to award the honorarium.