2017-2020 Cycle Archive

2016-2020 Goals

2016-2017: Change

  • Define assessment.
  • Review institutional policies.
  • Propose changes to assessment cycle.

2017-2018: Improve

  • Improve assessment culture.
  • Continue discussion on assessment.
  • Apply 3-Year Assessment Plan process.

2018-2019: Implement

  • Provide ongoing support of 3-Year Assessment Plan process.
  • Improve reporting of SLO & PLO results.
  • Use results to guide teaching and learning discussions.

2019-2020: Evaluate

  • Evaluate 3-Year Assessment Plan process (2017-2020).
  • Propose updated 3-Year Assessment Cycle (2020-2023).
  • Continue using results to guide teaching and learning discussions.

Teaching, Learning & Assessment (TLA) Coaches

3-Year Assessment Plan Templates

Each department should select the template that aligns with their respective program review cycle. Check your department's program review cycle on the Instructional Program Review Schedule.

For example, if your department submits a program review every even year, then your department should follow the even year assessment template. This way each department can align their assessment plans according to when their program review is due.


 Assessment Dialogue & Work Sessions

Date Type of Meeting Resources
2/7/20 SLO Symposium Presentation

SLO Symposium Agenda

SLO Symposium Presentation Slides


Flex Day Session

Flex Day Agenda


Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance Division Meeting

KAD Division Meeting Minutes

KAD Division Meeting Agenda


Science & Technology Division Meeting

Business, Design & Workforce Division Meeting

S&T Division Meeting Minutes

BDW Division Meeting Agenda

3/6/19 Flex Day Session: Assessment (SLOs, PLOs & SAOs), Dialogue and TracDat Support Session

Flex Day Agenda

3/5/19 Counseling Department Meeting

Department Meeting Minutes

Department Meeting Agenda

3/1/19 Humanities & Social Sciences Division Meeting


Division Meeting Minutes

2/22/19 Business, Design & Workforce Division Meeting


Division Meeting Minutes

1/11/19 Flex Day Session Flex Day Agenda

Completed 3-Year Assessment Plans

The new 3-year Assessment Cycle began in the Fall of 2017. Templates can be found on the 3-Year Assessment Plan Templates page.

Please submit completed 3-Year Assessment Plans to all participating department faculty members, your Dean, and Jessica Kaven, our college’s Faculty Assessment Coordinator at
[email protected].

To view and download assessment result reports, please visit the PRIE Reporting Sharepoint Site.
This link requires you to login with your @smccd.edu email address and email password.


Academic Support & Learning Technologies

Business, Design & Workforce


Humanities & Social Sciences

Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance

Science & Technology