3-Year Assessment Plans

2023 - 2026

For old assessment plans, please go to the "Assessment Cycle Archives" page.

Assessment Plan Templates

Assessment Plan Templates can be found on the 3-Year Assessment Plan Template page.

Please submit completed or revised 3-Year Assessment Plans to all participating department faculty members, your Dean, and Paul Roscelli, our college’s Instructional Assessment Coordinator at [email protected]. All current plans are posted below.

Engagement in Assessment

It is mandated by ACCJC, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, that institutions engage in assessment, evaluation and reflection. Additionally, ACCJC states that institutions must systematically and regularly evaluate how well and in what ways it is accomplishing its purposes, including assessment of student learning. Faculty are responsible for assessing their courses (SLOs) and programs (PLOs) (ILOs on the other hand are mapped to SLOs and PLOs in Nuventive Improve and are assessed through other means via the College). Faculty may be asked to participate in assessing ILOs.

Programs track their assessment efforts via a 3-year assessment plan in which all active courses must be assessed. Courses are not considered active if they are not offered due to course cancellations, banked courses, and ones that have been deleted or newly added. However, if a course is cancelled and offered at another time, the course is considered active and must be included in your assessment plan. At least one PLO should be assessed within the 3-year cycle. Every semester should include a class to assess. How the class will be assessed (e.g., which SLO(s), all sections, select sections), should be decided by the department.

Assessment Plans 

3-year assessments plans are listed by division and program name - see below. Click on the program name for the most current version of the plan.

For fall 2024, please follow these steps:

  • Review your program assesment plan.
  • Then, review the most recent Nuventive reports. These are comprehensive excel documents for the whole division, so please select your program with the SORT option. 
  • Submit the newest assment report in Nuventive. 
  • The most current SLOs for your courses are in Curricunet.

Academic Support & Learning Technologies

Nuventive Reports

Business, Design & Workforce

Nuventive Reports

BDW SLO data in Nuventive as of July 11 2024

BDW PLO data as of July 11 2024


Nuventive Reports

COUN SLO data in Nuventive as of July 11 2024.xlsx

COUN PLO data in Nuventive as of July 11, 2024.xlsx

Humanities & Social Sciences

Nuventive Reports

HSS SLO data in Nuventive as of July 11 2024.xlsx 

HSS PLO data in Nuventive as of July 11, 2024.xlsx

Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance

Nuventive Reports

KAD PLO data in Nuventive as of July 11, 2024

KAD PLO data in Nuventive as of July 11, 2024

Science & Technology

Nuventive Reports

Science &Tech PLO data in Nuventive as of July 11, 2023.xlsx

Science & Tech SLO data in Nuventive as of July 11 2024.xlsx