Committee Representatives

Classified Staff 2016

Below are the current Classified members serving on District and College committees. These volunteers were chosen in consultation with CSEA, as stipulated in SMCCCD Board Policy 2.08 (BP 2510) Item 13. If you find any discrepancies, or need to organize Classified representation for new committee or work group, please email the Classified Senate President. Membership that is by position is indicated with the role in square brackets (e.g., [Instructional Technologist]).

District Governance Committees

Committee Classified Representatives

District Budget & Finance Committee

Meets 3rd Tuesday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Mary Concha Thia

District Participatory Governance Committee

Meets 1st Monday from 2:15pm to 4:15pm

Alex Claxton

District Distance Education Advisory Committee

Meets 1st Tuesday from 4pm to 5pm

Lindsey Irizarry [Instructional Technologist]

Primary College Governance Committees

Committee Classified Representatives

Planning & Budgeting Council (PBC)

Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 2:10pm to 4pm

  • Co-Chair: Alex Claxton
  • Chantal Sosa (1)
  • Jose Zelaya (1)
  • RoseMarie Mendoza Morrison (1)
  • Gina Hooper (2)
  • Jacky Ip (2)
  • Christopher Wardell (2)
  • (Vacant)

Instructional Planning Council (IPC)

Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

  • (Vacant)
  • Maribel Zarate (2)
  • Lindsey Irizarry [Instructional Technologist]

Student Services Planning Council (SSPC)

Meets 2nd and 4th Wedneseday from 2pm to 4pm

  • Autumn McMahon (1)
  • Krystal Martinez (2)
  • Maria Lara [Admissions & Records Representative]
  • Bob Haick [Career Center Representative]
  • Olivia Cortez-Figueroa [College Recruiter]
  • (Vacant) [Dream Center Representative]
  • David Vera [Financial Aid Representative]
  • Kathy Kohut [International Students Representative]
  • Mary Ho [Post-Secondary Success Representative]
  • Mayra Arellano [Promise Scholars Program Representative]
  • Adolfo Leiva [SparkPoint]
  • Sergio Suarez [Student Life & Leadership Development Representative]
  • Maria Huning [TRIO Programs Representative]
  • Gonzalo Arrizon [COLTS-U Transfer Center Representative]
  • Juan Vera [Veterans Services Representative]
  • Sarah Cortez [Welcome Center Representative]
  • (Vacant) [Wellness Center Representative]

Equity & Antiracism Planning Council (EAPC)

Meets 4th Tuesday from 2:10pm to 4pm

  • Tri-Chair: Krystal Martinez
  • Gonzalo Arrizon
  • Alyssa Lucchini
  • Carlos Luna
  • (Vacant)
  • (Vacant)

Related College Committees

Committee Classified Representatives

Classified Professional Development Committee


  • Jamie Hui
  • Maria Huning
  • Jacky Ip 
  • Peter Tam
  • Mary Concha Thia [College Business Officer]

Curriculum Committee

Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays from 9:30AM to 11:30AM

  • Frank Nguyen Le [Curriculum Specialist]

Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC)

Meets 1st Wednesday from 12:30pm to 2pm

  • Celeste Kidd [DRC Rep]
  • Julain Taylor [Learning Center Rep]
  • Lindsey Irizarry [Instructional Technologist]

EOPS/CARE/CalWORKS Advisory Board


  • Mayra Arellano [Director of PSP, High School Transition and Dual Enrollment]
  • David Vera [Financial Aid Director]
  • Adolfo Leiva [SparkPoint Director]
  • Olivia Cortez-Figueroa [College Recruiter]
  • Jai Kumar [Bookstore Manager]
  • Claudia Dorantes [EOPS Office Assistant]
  • Jilian Gomez [EOPS Retention Specialist]
  • Jose Romero [EOPS Program Services Coordinator]

Honors Transfer Program Committee


  • (Vacant) [Transfer Center Director]

Professional Development Planning Committee


  • Jacky Ip
  • Roslind Young

Program Review Workgroup


  • (Vacant)
  • Lindsey Irizarry [Instructional Technologist]

Safety Committee

Meets 3rd Thursday from 2:30pm to 4pm

  • Casey Fortier
  • Yesenia Haro
  • Tony Burrola
  • John Cuevas
  • Linda Bertelotti [Executive Assistant to the President]

Technology Committee

Meets 2nd Wednesday from 13:30pm to 2pm

  • Tri-Chair: Lindsey Irizarry [Instructional Technologist]
  • (Vacant)
  • (Vacant)
  • (Vacant)
  • Carlos Luna [Library Support Specialist]
  • Jonathan MacSwain [Instructional Aide]
  • (Vacant) [DRC Representative]

Transfer Advisory Board


  • Bob Haick
  • (Vacant)
  • (Vacant)

State-Wide Committees

Committee Classified Representatives
  • Michiko Misha Kealoha, Community College Institute Director
 Transfer Center Directors Regional Representatives Committee
  • (Vacant)