Course Descriptions

ENGL 100 Reading and Composition (3 units)

An intensive reading and writing course based on the study of primarily non-fiction materials of culturally diverse writers. Course writing emphasizes the expository and the argumentative forms. Emphasis is placed on writing coherent, compelling essays demonstrating critical thinking skills and the basic elements of building a convincing argument.

ENGL 105 Reading and Composition with Support (5 units)

A reading and writing course based on the study of primarily non-fiction materials of culturally diverse writers. Includes instruction on how to read complex texts as well as how to write coherent and compelling persuasive essays.

ENGL 110 Composition, Literature, and Critical Thinking (3 units)

Students read novels, short stories, poetry, and drama written by diverse authors using analytical lenses that call attention to race, culture, gender, and other dynamics at play in literature. They write persuasive essays that demonstrate critical interpretation, the use of evidence and research strategies.

ENGL 161 Creative Writing I (3 units)

Students learn and practice the craft of writing short stories, sketches, poetry, short drama, journals, reportage and other literary forms for both personal enjoyment and professional training.

ENGL 162 Creative Writing II (3 units)

In this advanced Creative Writing class, students continue to learn and practice the craft of writing short stories, sketches, poetry, short drama, journals and/or reportage or other literary forms.

ENGL 164 Creative Non-Fiction (3 units)

The craft of writing the non-fiction genres, such as memoir, personal narrative, biography, autobiography, or journal. Discussion and critiques of works by established authors. Workshop of students' own writing. Guidelines for submission for publication.

ENGL 165 Advanced Composition (3 units)

In this advanced course in non-fiction writing, students analyze texts from writers of diverse ethnic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds and gender/sexual orientations. Students are taught to read and think critically as they apply their analytical skills to the writing of nuanced text-based arguments.

ENGL 200 Introduction to Linguistics: A Survey of Language (3 units)

Equivalent to LING 200. The origin, development, acquisition, and evolution of spoken and written languages are studied in this course. Topics include phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

ENGL 695 Independent Study (0.5- 3 units)

Designed for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge via self-paced, individualized instruction provided in selected areas or directed study to be arranged with instructor and approved by the division dean using the Independent Study Form. Varying modes of instruction can be used -- laboratory, research, skill development, etc. For each unit earned, students are required to devote three hours per week throughout the semester. Students may take only one Independent Study course within a given discipline.

ENGL 847 Accelerated Academic Reading and Writing (5 units)

Pre-transfer course that prepares students for college-level reading and writing. The course focuses on thesis construction, essay organization, and the use of evidence as well as sentence-level writing skills. Text-based assignments incorporate reading strategies to improve comprehension, fluency, analysis, and vocabulary.