Foster Youth Success Initiative (FYSI) is a statewide effort supported by the California Community College Chancellor’s
Office. The purpose of FYSI is to create a network of support that will meet the academic,
social, emotional, and financial needs of college-bound students. The program is fully
committed to empowering these youth to become self-supporting, conscious community
leaders, role models, and competent professionals in their fields of interest. In
addition, we provide a comprehensive support program to increase the number of former
foster youth graduating from a community college with an associate’s degree, vocational
training, or transferring to a four-year university.
The Resources & Opportunities for Success & Excellence (R.O.S.E.)
In collaboration with San Mateo County, the Foster Youth Success Initiative (F.Y.S.I.) and Foster & Kinship Care Education Programs have created a network of support. The Resources & Opportunities for Success & Excellence (R.O.S.E.) Committee’s goal is to empower Foster Youth (F.Y.) students by creating a community of practice that consists of allies who are faculty, staff, and community partners.