Family PACT
Family PACT is offered at Cañada Student Health Center.
What is Family PACT?
Family PACT stands for Family Planning, Access, Care and Treatment. It is a state administered program that pays for family planning. It is a FREE service for those who qualify.
Who is eligible for Family PACT?
Family PACT is for both men and women. Your income must meet certain guidelines. You are eligible for Family PACT if:
- Your income is at or below the federal income guidelines shown in the chart below
- You are uninsured or
- You have insurance that does not include full coverage for reproductive health services or
- You have insurance but don't want to use it for reproductive health care because of privacy concerns.
Family PACT 2022 Poverty Level Income Guidelines
Eligibility determination and confirmation is based on information given by your self-report. You are NOT eligible for Family PACT if:
- You are Pregnant
- You have been sterilized
- You are menopausal
- You are a female over 55 or a male over 60
- You have Full-Scope Medi-CAL or Insurance
How do I enroll for Family PACT?
Complete the application and bring a printed copy to the front desk at Student Health.
To find out more about Family PACT, stop by Student Health Services.
What Does Family PACT Cover?
You can get the following services at Student Health:
- Birth Control Methods
- Emergency Contraceptive Pill
- Treatment for sexually transmitted infections
- Pregnancy Testing
- PAP Smears
- Treatment for female urinary tract infections
- HIV Screening
- Education & Counseling about reproductive health and referrals for other services
Family PACT does not pay for abortion or primary care once you become pregnant.