Photography and Videography Policies

Cañada College has a blanket photo release policy which states "Cañada College, a non-profit California Community College, reserves the right to take and use photographs, video and electronic images of students and visitors taken on college property and at college-sponsored events for marketing and promotional purposes. Objection must be made in writing to the Marketing Department."

Group of students pose for a photo during a campus photoshoot

While the digital Photo and Video Release form simplifies record keeping and allows for more photographic flexibility, certain instances still require a print copy photo/video release. These situations include, but are not limited to: students under 18 years of age and subjects used in a high-visibility location of a marketing piece (front covers, banners, billboards, etc.). If in doubt, get a signed photo/video release form. Please submit the digital form below, which will be sent to the Marketing Department. Or, deliver a signed (print) photo release form to our Marketing Department to the attention of Megan Rodriguez Antone at [email protected] in Building 8, Room 112.

Printable Photo/Video Release Form: