Frequently Asked Questions

Our Interest Area Peer Mentors are dedicated to assisting students understand the possibilities, resources, support services (and how to navigate them) at Cañada College.

Although new students are our focus, we're happy to assist any student who needs guidance and support!

No, you are not. However, the more you actively participate in the program, the higher your chances will be to be successful each semester.
The mentors will be available by appointment as each mentor has a different schedule. Please contact your mentor or Ron Andrade directly to make an appointment.
No. Peer Mentors are available to help you with challenges, questions, or just adjust to life at Cañada College...all free of charge.
No, you do not need a social security number to be eligible for our program.  We proudly serve all enrolled students at Cañada College.
Yes, you may, however many of our existing support programs also have Peer Mentors to assist students. Be sure to check with the program staff and find out.