Welcome to the

Peer Mentor Program!

As part of our Guided Pathways framework, peer mentors play a key role in reaching out and supporting students in any of the four Interest Areas: Art Design & Performance, Business, Human Behavior and Culture, Science & Health.

The Peer Mentor Program provides support to students throughout their college experience beginning in their first year at Cañada College. The goal of the program is to support academic success and social engagement through peer-to-peer interactions. Peer mentors support their student mentees by encouraging them to embrace college life and increase their knowledge about resources that will help them succeed.


Who are Peer Mentors?

What is a Mentee?

A Peer Mentor is a current student who is engaged in a mentee’s progress. They are paired with a student(s) to provide support and guide them through their college experience. Peer Mentors come from diverse backgrounds and they are trained in various services available to students. They establish a relationship with mentees, help them achieve academic success, and get mentees acquainted with campus life at Cañada College.

Mentees are students from diverse education backgrounds who want to  be actively involved with Cañada College campus life

Our Mission

Peer Mentor program is a key part of our college effort to help all incoming and continuing students choose and complete their academic journey at Cañada College. Peer Mentors are part of the Success Teams that support each of the four Guided Pathways Interest Areas.

If You Stay Ready, You Don't Have to Get Ready.

At times, you may feel like giving up - and that is totally understandable.  We invite you to consider this: what if you didn't give up?  What impact would forward-movement have on your life - your academic success, career, overall happiness and well-being?

Cañada College is committed to creating a learning environment that is welcoming and supportive. At times, you may need some encouragement or motivation, and maybe some tips for academic success. That's where your Peer Mentors come in!  Check out the videos below for words of encouragement, tips on staying motivated, and strategies for success.


Tips for online learning:

                           Chili Montian
            Peer Mentor & VP of ASCC

How to Stay Motivated       

Stay connected to Student Services                

Self-Care Over Everything

Tips for Success