Decisions regarding selection of faculty coordinators
Process for Selection of Faculty Coordinators for Campus-Wide Initiatives
Coordinating a college-wide initiative is an opportunity for faculty to grow professionally and to develop and their exercise leadership abilities. The Academic Senate seeks to strengthen its faculty individually, and as a whole, by establishing terms of service for faculty coordinator positions and broadly extending the opportunity for faculty development. New perspective and leadership benefits not only faculty member serving as coordinator but the program as a whole. The Senate strives to balance these benefits with the needs of stability and sustainability by providing coordinators sufficient time to "learn the ropes" and to make a substantive impact.
When selecting faculty coordinators for campus-wide initiatives, the college strives to balance stability and sustainability of effort with the desire to open opportunities for new leadership development. The term for each coordinator position is determined in consultation with the appropriate advisory committee, Academic Senate, and administration.
Upon establishing a new coordinator position, or when the term of a given coordinator position has ended, the Academic Senate and Vice President of Instruction will jointly advertise the position to all faculty. Applications are collected by the Office of Instruction. A screening committee, whose majority consists of faculty, will be formed to evaluate the candidates. The committee will make recommendations to the Vice President of Instruction who makes the final appointment in consultation with the Academic Senate.
More information on the campus-wide initiates positions see the Academic Senate webpage.
Process for Selection of Faculty Coordinators for Instructional Programs
For Instructional Program Coordinators, the program will recommend a faculty member to serve to their Dean. The Dean will forward the faculty member to the VPI.