Contact Us

We're here to help you!

To set up an appointment with an Academic Counselor or to discuss your course placement options in math, English or English as a Second Language, please contact The Welcome Center at [email protected] or call (650) 306-3452. We are back on campus and offering in person counseling appointments, Zoom appointments, and Phone appointments.

The Cañada College Welcome Center is available to assist you:

Monday:             8:00am to 4:30pm
Tuesday:             8:00am to 7:00pm
Wednesday:       8:00am to 7:00pm 
Thursday:           8:00am to 4:30pm
Friday:                8:00am to 12noon

Please feel free to:

Email us!

Or Call us: (650) 306-3452 

Thank you!  We look forward to helping you.