Final Deadline Extension & Deferral Process

All instructional programs, student services programs and administrative services are expected to follow the annual cycle and timeline for submitting comprehensive program review and annual updates as communicated on the college program review website each year. If programs do not submit the required documentation and related materials by the final deadline, they will not be eligible to request resources for the following academic year.  Programs should work with the appropriate dean/VP for an extension or deferral if warranted. The following policy is meant to clarify and simplify the process for getting short-term extensions and deferrals on the final program review deadline when needed.

  • Comprehensive Program Review & Annual Update Extensions: Program review deadlines are set in order to allow time for many other college processes to take place during an academic year, so extensions are rare.  Program review authors and the appropriate Dean/VP may deem that a short-term extension (no more than 5 days) of the deadline for a particular program is warranted. Program review authors should work with the dean/VP and follow-up with the respective planning council (i.e., IPC or SSPC) if an extension of more than 5 days is needed. A program view deferral might be recommended if a longer extension is needed.
  • Comprehensive Program Review & Annual Update Deferrals: Program review authors unable to submit their comprehensive program review or annual update due to extenuating circumstances will be expected to complete their comprehensive program review or annual update during the following program review cycle. These extensions are rare and a rationale must be given.
  • For all extensions and deferrals, the dean/VP must notify the PBC Program Review Work Group ([email protected]) as soon as possible with confirmation of the new deadline.

Drafted by the PBC Program Review Work Group; Approved by SSPC & IPC Spring 2021