Apply Now


Who is Eligible?

Any Cañada College students, formally County of San Mateo Jail and/or Northern California Prison residents, who have been incarcerated or impacted by the justice system.


Steps to Apply

You must enroll as a student at Cañada College and receive your identification number (G#) before enrolling in the Project Change. If you do not have a G# go to Admissions & Records and click "Apply to Cañada College Now" to enroll.

If you have a G number but have not attended classes in our district for the past two semesters, you must reapply. Go to Admissions & Records and click "Apply to Cañada College Now" and “Sign In” to update your enrollment information. 

You must click the apply button below to apply to Project Change. Attach your new G# and Cañada College email to email and send to: [email protected] 

Submit Application Form Online   

It is important that you attend 45 minutes Orientation after submitting application. You will be contacted by one of the Project Change Staff once we receive your application. 

Once your application documents have been received and evaluated, we will contact you to schedule a counseling appointment with our Project Change counselor where you will:

  • Complete your individual Student Educational Plan
  • Complete and sign all required forms

If your application packet is incomplete, we will contact you to review the additional materials required. 


If you have any questions, please contact: 

Miriam Mosqueda (Program Services Coordinator- NextUp and Project Change)

Student Services - Counseling

Maria Huning (Project Director)

Student Services - TRIO - Student Support Services