Get Involved

Student Senate and Clubs

Student Life has so many ways for you to get involved with the campus community!

Student Senate

Get involved with our Student Senate, the elected and appointed student representatives who organize and promote campus wide programs, protect student rights, and represent the student voice on campus committees.

Student Clubs

Get involved with clubs and organizations, who focus on student interests in careers, education, multicultural diversity, recreations, politics, the environment, service, and more. They are a great way to get involved, build friendships, and they are a great resume builder.

Educational Events and Programs

Get entertained with campus events; The Associated Students of Cañada College puts on at least one all-campus event per month.

Participatory Governance

Get involved with student representation and voice; working with college administration, staff, and faculty to make decisions and changes on campus.

Programming Board

Get involved with our Programming Board, where students plan a variety of social, educational, and cultural events open to the entire campus community.