2020-2023 Cycle Archive

2020-2023 Assessment Goals

2020-2021: Balance Workload

  • Update and post new department 3-year assessment plans.
  • Review Fall 2020, Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 MOUs.
  • Support faculty who participate in assessment (SLO and/or PLO) per the two high-volume or high-demand professional duties limit (as outlined in MOUs).

2021-2022: Reconnect to Assessment

  • Review and update department assessment plans.
  • Support faculty who participate in assessment (SLO and/or PLO) per the two high-volume or high-demand professional duties limit (as outlined in MOUs).
  • Improve reporting of the SLO and PLO assessment results.
  • Facilitate upgrade to the Nuventive Improve system to streamline and simplify how faculty input assessment data.

2022-2023: Evaluate & Check-In

  • Evaluate 3-Year Assessment Plan process (2017-2020 & 2020-2023).
  • Propose updated 3-Year Assessment Cycle (2023-2026).
  • Continue using results to guide teaching and learning discussions.


3-Year Assessment Plan Template

Below you will find the Assessment Plan Templates for 2020-2023 (ends Spring 2023). Each department should align their assessment plans with their respective program review cycle. Check your department's program review cycle on the Instructional Program Review Schedule.

For example, if your department submits a program review Fall 2025, then your department should consider assessing at least one program learning outcome (PLO) at least one fall or spring semester before the program review is due. This way each department can align their assessment plans according to when their program review is due.

Assessment Dialogue & Work Sessions


Date Type of Meeting Resources

End-of-the Semester SLO/PLO Support Session

  • An overview of assessment (SLO/PLO) and our college's 3-year assessment cycle will be provided. Come with any assessment questions (e.g., what to assess, how to assess, how to report your findings). Additionally, we will discuss the new 3-year assessment plans starting Fall 2023.
Instructional Support Session: Workshop Wednesday (Monday)

Academic Senate:

NEW 3-year Assessment Cycle

  • Our current assessment cycle ends Spring 2023 and the NEW 3-year assessment cycle starts Fall 2023. Will discuss the new plans, where to find them, and next steps between now and Fall 2023.

Academic Senate Minutes - 4/27


NEW 3-year Assessment Cycle (SLOs/PLOs) – Session #2, Drop-in Support

Instructional Support: Topic Tuesday

NEW 3-year Assessment Cycle (SLOs/PLOs) – Session #1, Drop-in support

Instructional Support Session: Workshop Wednesday
1/13/23 Flex Day Session: SLO/PLO Assessment Planning, Help and/or Drop-in Support Flex Day Agenda - 1/13
1/13/23 Flex Day Session: College-wide Reflections on Assessment and Continuous Improvement. Facilitated by Vice Presidents, Classified and Academic Senate Presidents, Dean Engel, and Professor Jessica Kaven College Hour Presentation
12/7/22 Assessment and Canvas Joint Support Session: (1) SLO/PLO Assessment Workshop/Drop-in Support and (2) Canvas drop-in support with CMS’s Instructional Technologists Instructional Support Session: Workshop Wednesday

Academic Senate: Assessment: SLOs, PLOs, and Dialogue about Teaching & Learning

Academic Senate Minutes - 9/22

8/16/22 Flex Day Session: Canvas, Assessment (SLO/PLO), and What to Include on your Syllabi Flex Day Agenda - 8/16
5/12/22 & 5/16/22 Nuventive Improve Assessment Pilot Sessions - 4 Academic Senate Faculty Volunteers  
5/6/22 Nuventive Improve Upgrade Updates at Instructional Planning Council IPC Agenda - 5/6
4/21/22 Nuventive Improve Upgrades & Drop-In Support Flex Day Agenda - 4/21

Academic Senate: Nuventive Improve Upgrade Demo & Call for Testers at Academic Senate

Academic Senate Minutes - 4/14
1/13/22 Instructional Technology Q&A: Canvas, Improve & More Flex Day Agenda - 1/13
4/29/21 Assessment of Student Learning for Guided Pathways Meeting Notes - 4/29
8/18/20 Flex Day Session: Assessment Training & Drop-In Support Flex Day Agenda - 8/18


3-Year Assessment Plans

2020-2023 (Ends Spring 2023)

Assessment Plan Templates

Assessment Plan Templates can be found on the 3-Year Assessment Plan Template page.

Please submit completed 3-Year Assessment Plans to all participating department faculty members, your Dean, and Jessica Kaven, our college’s Faculty Assessment Coordinator at
[email protected].


To view and download assessment result reports, please visit the PRIE Reporting Sharepoint Site.
This link requires you to login with your @smccd.edu email address and email password.

It is mandated by ACCJC, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, that institutions engage in assessment, evaluation and reflection. Additionally, ACCJC states that institutions must systematically and regularly evaluate how well and in what ways it is accomplishing its purposes, including assessment of student learning. Faculty are responsible for assessing their courses (SLOs)* and programs (PLOs)* (ILOs on the other hand are mapped to SLOs and PLOs in Nuventive Improve (formerly TracDat) and are assessed through other means via the College). Faculty may be asked to participate in assessing ILOs.

*NOTE: For the 2020-2023 assessment cycle, "Full-time faculty members will not be expected to engage in more than two high-volume or high-demand professional duties during [Fall 2020, Spring 2021,Fall 2021 and Spring 2022]. High-volume or high-demand duties are any of the following:

  • Service on a committee (each committee counts as one high-volume duty)
  • Program review
  • Curriculum development (except for DE addenda)
  • SLO’s"

Academic Support & Learning Technologies

Business, Design & Workforce


Humanities & Social Sciences

Kinesiology, Athletics & Dance

Science & Technology