Apply to Cañada College

The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program at Cañada College prepares immigrant and international students to achieve their academic, vocational and personal goals.

How to Enroll

California’s Community Colleges are open access institutions, committed to supporting all students. The State Chancellor’s Office “will continue to advocate for educational opportunities for all students in the community college system, regardless of immigration status, at the state and federal level”. (Dec 2016 Press Release)

If you have questions about your admissions and eligibility status, contact Diana Espinoza Osuna at [email protected] or text (650) 260-5270 to complete an application.

No questions?   Apply Here  Aplique Ahora

California’s Community Colleges are open access institutions, committed to supporting all students. The State Chancellor’s Office “will continue to advocate for educational opportunities for all students in the community college system, regardless of immigration status, at the state and federal level”. (Dec 2016 Press Release)

If you have questions about your admissions and eligibility status, contact Diana Espinoza Osuna at [email protected] or text (650) 260-5270 to complete an application.

No questions?   Apply Here  Aplique Ahora

The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program at Cañada College prepares immigrant and international students to achieve their academic, vocational and personal goals.

Visit Concurrent Enrollment


ESL PathwaysCañada ESL Pathway

ESL Pathways Informational PDF

ESL and Interest Areas

The ESL program supports and helps prepare students for all programs of study at Cañada.  Every degree and certificate program in any Interest Area (Science & Health; Human Behavior and Culture; Art, Design & Performance; or Business) is open to ESL students.  For more information about Interest Areas and how to enter other programs of study at the College, please make an appointment with a counselor via the Welcome Center or speak to the ESL Retention Specialist, Diana Espinoza-Osuna.