Instructional Planning Council (IPC)

ipc meetings

IPC Tasks

The Instructional Planning Council (IPC), in accordance with the Academic Senate guidelines, is advisory to the Planning and Budget Council (PBC) on a range of issues related to instruction.

The advisory tasks include:

1. Develop and oversee the annual process of instructional program review (on behalf of Academic Senate)

2. Provide feedback on instructional program review narratives in accordance with the Academic Senate guidelines.

3. Evaluate the instructional program review process yearly.

4. Host Instructional Program Review presentations (this could include a collaboration with SSPC).

5. Coordinate the annual program review college-wide process (including the timeline, communication, due dates) in collaboration with all councils and appropriate work groups

6. Recommend and review policies and procedures as they relate to instruction.

7. Provide support and feedback on the development of new instructional programs and instructional program discontinuance.

8. Regularly monitor through the agenda process how the campus is meeting relevant parts of ACCJC Standard II.

9. Completion of a yearly review of the purpose and the role of the Instructional Planning Council.

10. Discuss and identify innovative instructional methods and opportunities to enhance teaching and learning.

11. Review and provide feedback on reassigned time applications.

The primary participatory governance groups include:

The primary stakeholder groups at Cañada College are:

Representatives from each of these stakeholder groups come together with college administrators to collaborate in the following participatory governance groups:

The following organizational chart outlines their relationship.


Instructional Planning Council Bylaws (revised 9/2024)

Annual Program Plan/Review Assessment

Each year, the IPC utilizes this Instructional Program Review Form is to provide feedback on the quality of the program review to the Department/Program.

IPC Organizational Chart

Please see the Instructional Planning Council organizational chart below:

View Org Chart