Members and Meetings

IPC Members, 2024-2025 (17 voting members)

Co-Chairs: Vice President, Instruction and one faculty member

  • 9 Faculty-appointed by Academic Senate
    • Curriculum Committee Chair – Lisa Palmer (term ends Spring 2025)
    • Faculty Assessment Coordinator – Paul Roscelli (term ends Spring 2027)
    • Honors Coordinator – Rebekah Taveau (term ends Spring 2025)
    • Faculty Equity Coordinator – Kiran Malavade (term ends Spring 2025)
    • Counselor –  vacant (term ends Spring 2026)
    • Librarian – Diana Tedone-Goldstone (term ends Spring 2025) (co-chair)
    • 3 Faculty Members-at-large (faculty-at-large positions will be used to balance membership – adjunct, career education, division representation, etc.)–
      • Erik Gaspar (term ends Spring 2026) 
      • Allison Hughes (term ends Spring 2026)
      • David Eck (term ends Spring 2026)
  • 2 Classified Members-at-large – recommended by Classified Senate and appointed by CSEA:
    • Vacant
    • Maribel Zarate (term ends Spring 2025)
  • 2 Students-appointed by the ASCC 
    • vacant
    • vacant
  • 1 Instructional Technologist - Lidsey Irizarry
  • 1 Instructional Dean – James Carranza (term ends Spring 2026)
  • Dean of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness – Karen Engel
  • Vice President of Instruction - Chialin Hsieh (co-chair)


IPC meets most 1st and 3rd Fridays from 9:30am-11:30am via Zoom and TBA. For a link to join a scheduled zoom meeting, please email [email protected]

Meeting Dates and Agendas

The following are meeting dates with approved meeting agendas and minutes.

Meeting Date Agendas  Minutes Materials
9/6/2024 Agenda Minutes

Instructional Program Review Support

IPC Goals 2024-2025

Annual Plan 2024-2025 Presentation

Course Enrollment and Modalities

9/20/2024 Agenda Minutes

Course Enrollment and Modalities Success


10/4/2024 Agenda Minutes  
10/18/2024 Agenda Minutes  
11/1/2024 Agenda Minutes  
11/22/2024  *8:30-11:30am
Provide feedback on comprehensive Instructional Program Reviews
Agenda Minutes  


Review and vote on reassigned time

Agenda Minutes  
2/7/2025 Agenda Minutes  
2/21/2025 Agenda Minutes  
3/7/2025 Agenda Minutes  

3/21/2025 *9:00-11:30am

Instructional Program Review Presentations

Agenda Minutes  
4/18/2025 Agenda Minutes  
5/2/2025 Agenda Minutes  
5/16/2025 Agenda Minutes