How to Apply for Reassigned Time

1. Is the reassignment mandated by AFT contract or other agreement with the District, mandated by external agency, accreditation or grant contract?

  • If YES, you do not need to complete an application for reassignment – contact your dean to establish your reassignment.
  • If NO, go to 2.

2. Is the reassignment due to a class cancellation? 

  • If YES, you do not need to complete an application for reassignment – work with your dean to search for an alternative teaching assignment or to establish your reassignment.
  • If NO, go to 3.

3. Is the reassignment for work that is covered by Appendix D1

  • If YES, this work is not eligible for reassignment – contact your dean to learn about alternative ways of accomplishing the work. 
  • If NO, go to 4.

4.Complete the Online Reassignment Application. You might find it helpful to put together your application in the Online Reassignment Application Template first, before submitting to the final application.

5. Once the application for reassignment is submitted, the application will be forwarded to the appropriate Dean/VP on the application. The Dean/VP will review the application, provide feedback, and sign the final recommendation form (this will be done for each application). The Dean/VP final recommendation form will be attached to the application, which will then be forward it to IPC for review.


In order to provide sufficient time to accommodate instructional faculty reassignments, all applications must be submitted to the Office of Instruction prior to the time teaching requests are submitted for schedule development.

The deadline for application of reassignment that will be effective academic year 2024-2025 is November 15, 2024 via the online application. Deans must review, provide a recommendation, sign and submit final applications to the Office of Instruction by November 22, 2024.

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