Planning & Budgeting Council Meetings 2023-2024

2023-2024 PBC Members

Position Member
Academic Senate President or Vice President (ex officio) David Eck
Classified Senate President or Vice President (ex officio) Maria Huning
IPC Representative Will rotate
SSPC Representative Mayra Arellano
Academic Support and Learning Resources Faculty Representative Julian Taylor
Kinesiology, Athletics, and Dance Faculty Representative Nick Carr
Business, Design & Workforce Division Faculty Representative Sarita Santos
Humanities & Social Sciences Division Faculty Representative Alicia Aguirre
Science & Technology Division Faculty Representative Ray Lapuz
Student Services Faculty Representative Kassie Alexander
Adjunct or FT Faculty Representative at large Denise Erickson
ASCC Student Representative Mia Berta
ASCC Student Representative Vacant
Classified Representative Rachel Corrales
Classified Representative Gina Hooper
Classified Representative Jacky Ip
Classified Representative Joan Murphy
Classified Representative John Omar
Classified Representative at large To Be Determined
Dean Hyla Lacefield
Dean of PRIE Karen Engel
Director of Marketing, Comm & PR Megan Rodriguez Antone
Vice President of Instruction Chialin Hsieh
Vice President of Student Services Manuel Alejandro Pérez
Vice President of Administrative Services Ludmila Prisecar
College President (ex officio, non-voting) Kim Lopez

PBC Membership

Updated by PBC on May 1, 2019

Membership in the PBC should address two goals: 1) representation of constituencies, and 2) inclusion of individuals with specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. The following individuals would be members:

PBC Member:

Appointed by:

Academic Senate President or Vice President (co-chair)

Academic Senate

Classified Senate President or Vice President (co-chair)

Classified Senate

IPC Representative


SSPC Representative


Faculty Representatives - one from each of the Instructional Divisions, one from Student Services, and one at-large representative at the Academic Senate’s discretion.  Note:  one of these faculty members could be an adjunct faculty, if possible.

Academic Senate

Student Services VP (for SS rep)

Classified Representatives – the number of classified staff representatives should match the total number of faculty representatives including one at-large representative chosen at the Classified Senate’s discretion.  As much as possible, representation should be balanced across divisions and major college functions.

Classified Senate

Two (2) ASCC Representatives


Dean of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness

By virtue of position

Vice President of Administration

By virtue of position

Director of Marketing and Public Information

By virtue of position


By virtue of position (and President)


By virtue of position


By virtue of position

College President (ex officio) – no voting rights

By virtue of position

 Total Voting members: 21. 

Membership Terms

Updated by PBC on November 7, 2018

Appointed members (who are not members by virtue of their position) will serve for a maximum of two years. These members, faculty, classified staff, and student representatives, are appointed in alternating years, staggering the rotation of members on and off the Council.  Staggering appointments will assure continuity of knowledge on the Council. Members will be asked to serve on work groups or ad hoc committees as needed (based on availability of time) for the balance of service. Work groups (when needed) consist of four, and a minimum of two, PBC members.

All appointments will be made by June preceding the terms of appointment.

Student terms will be for one year (August 15 – June 30) with appointments made in August.

Note: Members who serve by virtue of their position do vote, with the exception of the college president who is non-voting; all other members are elected/selected by their constituencies and do vote.

Annual Orientation of Members

Updated by PBC on November 7, 2018

Every member (excluding the college president), in order to retain their membership, is required to attend a yearly orientation. The annual orientation will take place no later than the second meeting of the the Fall semester.

 The orientation topics should include but are not limited to:

  • College organization chart, mission, planning and budget cycle
  • Board Policy and Administrative Procedure
  • Title 5 section 53200 et seq., Title 5 section 51023.5 and Title 5 section 51023.7
  • Training and materials on academic and professional (10+1) matters
  • Committee structure, goals, purpose and composition
  • Contact information for committee members

In addition to the PBC membership, the orientation is open to the District Board of Trustees and the whole campus community.. This training is under the purview of the Offices of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness (PRIE) and Administrative Services.


The Planning & Budgeting Council (PBC) meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month during the academic year. All meetings during the 2023-24 academic year will be held in person with a Zoom option.  The presiding officers (co-chairs) of the PBC are the presidents or vice presidents of the Academic and Classified Senates.

Agendas Minutes Materials
May 15, 2024 Minutes

ISER Preparation Timeline 2023-25

PBC Bylaw Update Proposal - for approval

2023 Resource Priortization Results

2023-2024 Resource Requests Update

Joint Analysis, Governor's May Revision 2024-2025

May 1, 2024 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, April 24, 2024

2023-2024 Annual Plan (EMP Priorities) Progress Report

ISER Steering Committee Evidence Gap Analysis Presentation

PBC Bylaw Update Proposal

EMP Transfer Work Group Implementation Matrix Update, April 26, 2024

SEAP Year-2 Progress Report

April 17, 2024 Minutes

Office of Equity Updates, Spring 2024

Distance Education Plan 2024-2027 for PBC Adoption

Technology Plan 2024-27 for PBC Adoption 

College Professional Development Plan 2024-27 for PBC Adoption

College Planning Update from Office of PRIE 

CSEA Replacement Process Proposal, April 17, 2024

April 3, 2024 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, March 27, 2024

Capital Improvement Program Districtwide Student Housing at CSM, April 3, 2024

SB 169 Higher Education Student Housing Grant Program Bill Language

SMCCCD Facilities Planning Website on Districtwide Student Housing at CSM

Accreditation Update from Office of PRIE/ALO

March 20, 2024 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, March 6, 2024

SMCCCD Administrative and Classified Staff Selection Procedures, December 2019

Office of Instruction Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Humanities Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Science and Technology Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Enrollment Services and Student Support Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Counseling Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Academic Support and Learning Technologies Non-Personnel Resource Request Prioritization Process

Annual Participatory Governance Evaluation Survey - revised for adoption

Program Review Schedule for the 2024-25 Cycle - revised for adoption

March 6, 2024


Board-Approved Staffing Update, February 28, 2024

Child Development Center Update, March 6, 2024

Mid-Year Budget Report, March 6, 2024

Lyft Transportation Update, March 6, 2024

DRAFT Participatory Governance Evaluation Survey Instrument for 2023-24

February 21, 2024 Minutes

.48 CSA Instructional Aide II Replacement Position Request

Course Enrollment and Modalities, Spring 2024 Census Day

Distance Education Draft Strategic Plan 2024-2027

Technology Strategic Plan

Professional Development Draft Plan 2024-2027

February 7, 2024 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, February 3, 2024

Board-Approved Staffing Update, January 24, 2024

Board-Approved Staffing Update, December 6, 2023

Drop for Non-Payment Proposal to ESC February 2, 2024

EMP Work Group #2 (Expand programs and opportunities in North Fair Oaks, Belle Haven, East Palo Alto w/emphasis on BIPOC communities) Implementation Matrix

EMP Work Group #3 (Strengthening Transfer Pathways) Implementation Matrix

EMP Work Group #4 (Reimagining Career) Implementation Matrix

ISER Preparation Timeline and Steering Committee as of Spring 2024 - for adoption

Institution Set Standards 2022-23

Institution Set Standards 2022-23 Presentation for PBC

Cañada de Noche Fall 2023 Pilot Evaluation Presentation for PBC

December 6, 2023 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, November 29, 2023

Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) Bylaws, Fall 2023

Technology Committee Bylaws, Fall 2023

EMP Reimagining Career Work Group Recommendations to PBC, Dec. 6, 2023

EMP Strengthen K-16 Pathways and Transfer Group Recommendations, Dec. 6, 2023

EMP Strengthen K-16 Pathways andTransfer Group Task Force Slides, Dec. 6, 2023

EMP Expanding in East Palo Alto, Belle Haven, and North Fair Oaks, with an emphasis on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities Work Group Recommendations to PBC, Dec. 6. 2023

Multiyear Budget Projections, Dec. 4, 2023

Multiyear Projections, Appendix 1 Resource Allocation, Dec. 4, 2023

Multiyear Projections, Appendix 2 College Projections, Dec. 4, 2023


November 15, 2023 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, November 8, 2023

November 1, 2023 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, October 25, 2023

Mathematics Faculty Vacancy Request

CCCCO ZTC Acceleration Grants:  Cañada's Proposals, October 2023

Proposal to establish an Accreditation Steering Committee for ISER 2025

Position Request Presentation Template 2023-24

October 18, 2023 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, October 4, 2023

Spring 2023 Graduation Survey (ILO Assessment) Results

Accreditation Standards 2024 and Getting Ready for ISER 2025

October 4, 2023 Minutes

Course Enrollment and Modalities, September 15, 2023

Funeral Services Education Program Updates, Fall 2023

Resource Allocation Model and Adopted Budget 2023-24, October 4, 2023

Appendix 1 Adopted Resource Allocation Model 2023-24

Appendix 2 Fund 1 Projected Ending Balance 2023-24

September 20, 2023 Minutes

Board-Approved Staffing Update, September 13, 2023

Adopted 2023-24 Fiscal Year Budget

Bias Education Support Team (BEST) Proposal

Counseling Division Vacancies

Child Development Laboratory Center Proposal Update 

Participatory Governance Evaluation Survey Results - Spring 2023

Annual Plan 2023-24 - for adoption

September 6, 2023 Minutes

Annual Plan 2023-24 Draft

Board-Approved Staffing Update, July 26, 2023

Board-Approved Staffing Update, August 9, 2023

Board-Approved Staffing Update, August 23, 2023

Psychology Vacancy Replacement Request 2023

Learning Center .48 Evening Instructional Aide II Replacement Request 2023

FY 2022-23 Actual Budget and Expenditures, September 6, 2023

Transportation Update, September 6, 2023

SSPC Meeting Update, August 23, 2023

Meeting agendas and minutes from prior years can be found in the PBC Archives

Creating meeting agendas

Updated by PBC on November 7, 2018

PBC agendas are developed by the Co-Chairs, the College President, the Dean of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE), and the Vice President of Administrative Services. Campus constituency groups also are invited to make a request (formal Request Form is required) for an item to be placed on the agenda. Request must be submitted two weeks prior to the desired meeting date.

The current agenda is posted to the PBC website no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting date. Those items or issues that are critical in nature can bypass the membership and be taken to the President by the co-chairs without membership approval. These items must be presented to the PBC for discussion and review as soon as possible. This is a provision for exceptional events.